MedSpine of Pahrump
Your progress will be evaluated by the Nurse Practitioner on each visit. After your initial evaluation, you will receive X-rays to ensure the safety of your treatment, and so you will know what conditions you are being affected by. Your x-rays will be reviewed with you on your first visit by Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis will layout a plan and course of treatment to assist you in reducing your symptoms and improving your functional abilities.
Treatment frequency: The duration of your care is dependent on your condition and how long it has been present. A reduction in your symptoms does not equate to your problem being fixed. The structural issues a person has, which will be shown on your x-rays will likely have been present for a long period of time and are usually due to improper ergonomics or previous injury/trauma. This means improper sleeping position, poor diet, bending or exercising improperly, lack of exercise or a previous auto accident. Reducing your symptoms is only part of your recovery. Often times a patient may be fooled into believing their care is complete once the pressure causing the inflammation has been reduced only to find out that their complaint returns a short time later.
After you receive your chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Lewis will evaluate your posture for corrective modifications each visit, and assign a range of therapies to be done in the office to assist in restoring your function. Ergonomic corrections: The exercises given will be specifically designed to your type of work and/or lifestyle. The exercises you do will be supervised one-on-one by a physiotherapist.
Occasionally, weight bearing structural alignments can result in mild discomfort following treatment. Pain: Ice may be used for 10 minute increments, however, this is not always necessary. Dull aches can be treated with moist heat for 5 - 7 minute increments. This can be accomplished with a wet towel in the microwave. Be sure to wring the towel out to remove excessive moisture prior to microwave. Avoid the towel being too hot prior to application. In the unlikely event you have extreme pain, please contact the office right away by phone, email, or the chat function on this site.
After each visit, there can be mild stiffness as the ligaments are acclimating to the adjusted segments new position. Moist heat is best applied for this purpose. Try not to avoid stretching excessively between treatments, as this may delay recovery. A patient's initial response to care may vary depending on how sensitive their nervous system is.
1. Do not attempt to self-adjust between visits, as this can result in your being discharged as a patient. This is to prevent you from injuring yourself and delaying recovery.
2. Never fall asleep on an ice pack or heating pad.
3. Do not use DRY HEAT PADS under any circumstances.
Call the office anytime to report any severe discomfort.
702-530-2225. If after hours, you can also use the "Let's Chat" on the right corner below or even email Dr. Lewis at
Disclaimer: Symptomatic relief will always come before structural restoration. If treatment is discontinued prior to restoring your structural issues, your relief will only be temporary. Years of dysfunction cannot be reversed in a matter of a week or two.
To receive the best results, please follow ALL of Dr. Lewis's instructions including changing your sleep posture and bending/twisting ergonomics applicable to your activities of daily living and at work. It is not possible to continue to do the same things that caused your dysfunction and expect miracles.
If you have extreme discomfort following an alignment procedure you are instructed to notify our office as soon as possible for instructions. Each patient accepts responsibility for their own actions if they do not follow the instructions given.
All active patients have been instructed on the first visit to visit this site and acknowledge they have reviewed the information below and consent to treatment based on their understanding of the information provided. Consent is required prior to treatment rendered. The following information below is also included in every patient's intake form.
Is spinal manipulation safe?
A 2017 review brought together evidence from 250 scientific publications related to risks and side effects of spinal manipulation or mobilization and reached the following conclusions:
Transient mild-to-moderate side effects—most commonly, increased pain or discomfort, stiffness, or headache—often occur after spinal manipulation or mobilization. Most of these side effects go away within 24 hours.
Serious side effects, such as serious spinal or neurological problems or strokes involving arteries in the neck, have been reported. However, they are very rare, and there are no accurate estimates of how often they occur.
The likelihood of a serious side effect may be greater in people who have underlying health problems that increase their risk of injury.
A type of spinal manipulation that focuses on the neck has been linked to small, potentially dangerous tears in the artery walls in the neck, called cervical artery dissections (CAD). These tears are rare but can lead to a stroke. Any kind of sudden neck movement, such as those involved in playing sports, getting whiplash, and violent vomiting or coughing, may also increase the risk of tears. The available evidence suggests that the incidence of CAD in people getting spinal manipulation is low, and there is disagreement about whether manipulation can actually cause CAD.